Legacy Hotel & Resorts Limited recognises that it’s operations and activities have both a direct and indirect effect on the environment and as such environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice are regarded as setting the minimum standards for environmental management. The company is committed to reducing its impacts on the environment through the implementation of policies, management systems and by increasing awareness.
The policy

Legacy Hotel & Resorts Limited is committed to:-
Understanding the environmental issues associated with its operations.
Incorporating environmental management into everyday business practice through training and by increasing awareness.
Working with employees, suppliers, contractors and partners to minimise impacts.
Encouraging an environmentally-friendly supply chain.
Encouraging staff and guests to reduce their overall impact.
Environmental Issues

The main areas where our hotels have the greatest impact on the environment are energy, water, waste, raw materials and the supply chain. As such, we have worked closely with our partners and within each hotel to implement various programmes to help us reduce our overall impact. These positive initiatives and programmes include the following:-
All cardboard and glass is collected and recycled by specialist recycling companies.
Low energy lighting has been fitted wherever possible in the hotels.
Thermostatic control valves have been fitted on all bedroom radiators to reduce energy usage.
New energy efficient boilers were installed in 4 (out of 7) of our hotels in 2007.
Hippo bags (a saver flush device) have been installed in all toilet cisterns to reduce water usage.
Increased awareness of impacts to guests through information cards and to staff through in-house training.

Other initiatives have also been introduced to reduce our overall impact and we are working on developing further initiatives for the future, which include alternative energy sources.

We recognise that our guests, employees, suppliers and partners have key roles in helping us to reduce our impacts and we are committed to working with our hotels and partners to promote positive environmental initiatives.